Banking against Doomsday

Gene banks represent an overdue push to preserve crop biodiversity. It also needs conserving on farms

Small fish said vital to seas; lower catches urged

Reuters // Reuters

OSLO, July 21 (Reuters) - Small fish play a big role in the oceans and catches should be cut sharply to safeguard marine food chains from plankton to blue whales, an international team of experts said on Thursday.

Rust In The Bread Basket

A crop-killing fungus is spreading out of Africa towards the world’s great wheat-growing areas

Jul 1st 2010

UN Fears 'Irreversible' Damage To Natural Environment

GENEVA — The UN warned on Monday that "massive" loss in life-sustaining natural environments was likely to deepen to the point of being irreversible after global targets to cut the decline by this year were missed.

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