• Put your team in a creative, surround environment – enable them to add content and options -- and we have seen positive synergy occur (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts).
  • We have seen bitter rivals put down their antagonistic ways when they are presented with full expanse (width and depth) of another's perspective.
  • The new knowledge from multiple screens of the best information from both (and/or multiple) sides often allows rival perspectives to come to a whole new level of understanding and collaboration. 
  • The SIMCenter facilitates this process by its integrated design.
  • Most other events/facilities limit the number of their presentation screens to 3 or less. We have found that the really good learning experiences start with 8 or more simultaneous presentation screens, which appears to change human energy levels. We really can provide an "edu-tainment" level experience.
  • The shared room experience is much better than remote viewing, however we do have the ability to have multiple remote panel experts contribute interactively as needed.