Event Type
-Presents-   food fight poster
Movies that Make a Difference!
About the Movie:
FOOD FIGHT is a fascinating look at how American agricultural policy and food culture developed in the 20th century, and how the California food movement rebelled against big agri-business to launch the local organic food movement.
click image to view trailer:
food fight trailer


Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Time: Doors at 5:30 pm, films begins at 6:15pm
1088 Third Ave,  San Diego, CA 92101
(corner of 3rd Ave. and C St. at the Civic Center trolley stop)
Free Event - suggested donation: $10 
Additional details:  
  • Drinks and snacks will be served
  • A discussion will follow the showing
  • Bring your computer to connect to the room 
  • Best parking is at street meters, green and yellow curbs.  They are free after 6 pm.


Full list of events can be found on our Calendar

World Resources Sim Center
1088 3rd Ave.
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: +1.619.234.1088
Fax: +1.619.595.0403
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