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San Diego: SDRES Speaker Event “Group Conversation on the EV Market" Wednesday, November 13, 2013  6 – 8pm

Global Energy Network Institute (GENI)
1088 Third Avenue, 
San Diego, California 92101

Clean transportation is obviously part of the picture for making San Diego a 100% renewable city.  The EV market continues to make great strides with new models of electric vehicles from the auto industry's biggest players.   While sales are up...  Tesla sold more than 10,400 of its Model S through July 2013, and Nissan sales are up 230% through the same period. In August 2013 , the Chevy Volt and Nissan LEAF both hit their best numbers ever... many uncertainties still exist in this space.

Tony Williams, EV enthusiast and InsideEVs.com contributor, will hold a group conversation on the EV market, range anxiety, charging solutions and how we can transition the vehicle fleet to non-polluting options.   

Please join us!  An EventBrite email will be sent out to RSVP.

Special thanks to our venue host, Peter Meisen of GENI. 

For articles from our featured speaker, please visit:

