Submitted by SimCenter Feed… on Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:08

Join Us for a Climate Coffee in Vista!

Interested in events and policies affecting climate change in Vista?

Think globally, act locally.  Please join us as we discuss the policies   and events affecting climate change in Vista.  We have over 85 SD350 members in Vista!   Did you know that the City adopted its Climate Action Plan in December of 2013? Greenhouse gas reducing Transit Oriented Development is underway at this moment! This Climate Coffee is a great way for us to learn, connect, and work toward making a difference on a local-level.

vista sign

Bring your neighbors and friends.  Meet other members, ask questions, and explore opportunities for getting involved.  Arrive a little early to allow time for parking.  Please RSVP to attend.

2:00 pm Refreshments and mixer
2:30 pm Program and announcements

Think you might attend the Climate Coffee?  We would appreciate your RSVP. Questions? Email us.

WHEN:  January 25, 2015   2:00 PM through   3:30 PM
   410 Alvarado Terrace, Vista CA 92084  (downtown Vista area)
