Submitted by SimCenter Feed… on Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:08

Meeting with a new or potential member can be one of the best ways to share why we are passionate about addressing climate change and to highlight how new members can get involved in the important and impactful work that we are doing at SanDiego350. The one to one training is an opportunity for established SanDiego350 members to learn how they can hold an effective one to one meeting with new members that are interested in joining SanDiego350 or with members that want to become more involved.

The one to one training will highlight the following topics:

  • Discuss the purpose and goals of a one to one
  • Outline the process of preparing for and running a one to one meeting
  • Give updates on and review the SanDiego350 teams, current projects and volunteer opportunities
  • Provide information on current volunteer opportunities

This will be a fun event that will give you the opportunity to connect with longstanding members of SanDiego350 and will  be a refresher on all the great work that we are doing.  As someone that inspires members by sharing your passion in a one to one meeting you will play an integral role in SanDiego350’s continued growth and influence.

Please RSVP now!

Thank you for your support on this important project!
