Submitted by SimCenter Feed… on Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:08

With the court cases over and Congress pushing to fast track the KXL, it’s time for President Obama to stand tall, fulfill his promises to act on climate change, and reject the Keystone Pipeline once and for all.

We’re hoping that this is the final sprint in a years-long battle we and our allies have been fighting.

We are going to take part in a nation-wide action across this Tuesday night, January 13 that will hopefully take place in all 50 states. Please come to make your voice heard!

Please RSVP NOW, share our facebook event, join a  carpool here.

Help us make this event huge: forward this event to 10 friends, post it on facebook and other social media, and help us to make calls.

Things may change, so please keep your eyes on your inbox and this calendar. Email Emily Wier to help plan or volunteer for this action.

