Submitted by SimCenter Feed… on Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:08

Join SanDiego350 for a fun, relaxing afternoon at our summer potluck picnic. This is an opportunity to take a break from our climate work, get to know each other, recharge our batteries.  Also on Facebook

Please bring:
*  a dish or beverage to share (to ensure a mix of dishes, feel free to say what you’re bringing in a comment)
*  chairs or blankets to sit on
*  non-disposable dinnerware, flatware, napkins
*  sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
*  games/sports equipment (Frisbee, volleyball?)
*  musical instruments (guitar, harmonica)
*  your spouse/significant other or a friend who’s interested in getting active with SD350 (kids welcome)

Help keep our picnic carbon footprint low:
*  bike, carpool or take public transit to the picnic
*  zero waste (bring own non-disposable dinnerware, flatware, napkins please!)
*  low-carbon footprint / sustainably-raised food (see “Cool Cuisine: taking the Bite out of Global Warming” for tips)

No raindate – on the odd chance that it is pouring, we’ll have to cancel.

DIRECTIONS: Take Texas St. south into the north end of the Park near Morley Field. We’ll be south of Jacaranda Drive, to the east (left) from Texas St, so you can either park along Jacaranda or in one of the parking lots at the end of Texas. Look for the SD350 banner.

Email us to help (setup/cleanup, etc) or with questions.
