Dan Noble
Inquiry International
Dan Noble is President/CEO of Noble Resources Group, a sustainable resource market development firm, based in Southern California. He has more than 20 years of environmental market research, publishing and strategic market consulting experience focused on expanding public and private sector investment in water, recycled water and recycled organics at the local, state, national and international policy and investment levels. In the last 20 years, he facilitated strategic planning sessions, developed business plans, and lead multi-year market-research projects for 100 emerging companies and Fortune 500 clients, including Hewlett Packard, Monsanto and Corning. In addition, Dan has directed comprehensive environmental and water industry studies for federal and international agencies, including the U.S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Trade & Development Agency, European Union & Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development, and others. Dan has presented at numerous conferences on environmental, business investment, market expansion and resource sustainability issues, American Water Works Association, US Composting Council, BioCycle West and the WateReuse Association. Dan has B.A. degrees in Biology and Chemistry from the University of California, San Diego and M.S. degrees in Molecular Biology and Educational Leadership from the University of Oregon, and an ABD Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.