Event Detail:
There are 20 categories of needs that describe infrastructure projects. Councilman Kersey is tackling these projects in a prioritized manner by seeking citizen input from all sectors. Infrastructure enables our quality of life and Mark is our point man at the City. He wants to hear your ideas, questions and concerns.
San Diego is blessed with one of the country's best climates, but underneath our feet we are crumbling. 25% of our roads are in poor condition, many of our water mains are breaking faster than we can replace them, and the City needs $600 million for storm water upgrades alone. Neighborhoods need sidewalks, fire stations and recreation centers. Then there's the stadium for the Chargers.
Have your voice heard by attending this special event!
Mark Kersey Councilmember District 5
City of San Diego
Councilmember Mark Kersey represents City of San Diego's 5th District. He is currently the Chair of the Council's standing Committee on Infrastructure and Vice Chair of the Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee. He is also a member of the Charter Review Committee, and the Budget & Government Efficiency Committee.
Mark is committed to the economic prosperity of the San Diego region and solving regional issues, such as infrastructure. He has outside appointments on the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp (EDC) and the San Diego Foundation's Civic Engagement Vision Action Team. He's an alternate City representative to SANDAG committees on the Border, Regional Planning and Transportation..
Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2015
1088 Third Ave
San Diego, CA 92101