Our guiding visionary Buckminster Fuller developed the World Game™ in 1961 to challenge us to cooperatively solve the major world issues we are facing. The intent was to form a more wholistic "total world" view, one that does not produce “winners and losers.”
From this epic game the number one strategy to accelerate a desired future is to deliver adequate clean energy to everyone – with the minimal amount of power (2,000kwh/person/year) to all citizens of the earth. Access to a small amount of power is proven to positively affect education, poverty, water access, conflict, health care and quality of life for the community. It was proposed that this power would be generated via abundant renewable energy resources (solar, wind, hydro, ocean, geothermal and biomass) and linked via high-voltage transmission networks.
Since 1989, the Global Energy Network Institute has been working toward that goal. Now with the World Resources SIMCenter we have a new tool to facilitate the adoption of Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science.