COP21 Agreement...Good or Bad

Submitted by larryf13 on Tue, 12/15/2015 - 11:25am


In what supporters are calling a "historic achievement", 196 nations attending the COP21 climate meetings outside Paris voted to adopt an agreement


that covers both developed and developing countries...Now their respective governments will now need to adopt the deal. The Paris agreement alone cannot achieve the emissions reductions needed to hold the increase in global temperatures to 2º C...a political target based on a level scientists long ago proposed as the point at which climate change becomes dangerously disruptive to human life. 


We could easily say that this is earth’s last chance to get this thing right. It's refreshing to see the sheer volume of delegates at the convention. Additionally we now have an agreement we can all use as our promise to one another to solve this issue. Yes, some aspects of the agreement will be binding, but the target each nation sets will be voluntary and determined at home. Every country has its own set of national and financial circumstances to consider, along with its own politics and capabilities. As the delegates depart Paris, we can only anticipate they will continue with their promises and agendas. 


French President Francois Hollande said it perfectly...  "never have the stakes been so high because this is about the future of the planet, the future of life."  We we can only hope we actually got it right this time. 




GENI is a co-founder of the Global Climate 100 Index (GC100). The GC100 includes 100 equally weighted companies that operate in three key areas, clean technology, renewable energy and future fuels. We believe this index will provide above average long term returns while being socially responsible with the constituents it includes.

Disclosure Note: GENI receives remuneration from this (GC 100) index. 


Larry Fontaine 

Larry is a volunteer for GENI heading up the clean energy Global Climate 100 investment product. He is a mechanical engineer doing research & development on various alternative energy projects including generating electricity from the power of waves. A long time follower of stocks and investments, now involved in the global shift to alternative energy by investing in companies that operate in three key environmental areas: clean technology and efficiency, renewable energy, and future fuels.