Climate change may cut profits from oceans by trillions

Luisa Massarani

[LONDON] Climate change could reduce the economic value of the services the oceans provide to mankind by almost US$2 trillion a year by 2100, according to a study presented at the Planet Under Pressure conference this week (26–29 March).

Corals 'Could Survive a More Acidic Ocean'

Corals may be better placed to cope with the gradual acidification of the world's oceans than previously thought -- giving rise to hopes that coral reefs might escape climatic devastation.

Plan now for climate-related disasters - U.N. report


David Fogarty and Deborah Zabarenko

* Rising population, development put more in harm's way

* Policymakers urged to act in next few decades

* Less emphasis on mitigation, more on cutting risk

By David Fogarty and Deborah Zabarenko  

Hydropower 'could supply Africa's entire power needs'

Alecia D. McKenzie

[MARSEILLES] Hydropower could supply all of Africa's electricity needs if cross-border cooperation was stepped up, according to a UN report launched last week (12 March) at the World Water Forum in Marseilles, France.

Can Smarter Growth Guide China’s Urban Building Boom?


david biello

The world has never seen anything like China’s dizzying urbanization boom, which has taken a heavy environmental toll. But efforts are now underway to start using principles of green design and smart growth to guide the nation’s future development.

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