
ForeignPolicy's guide to the coming urban age.

Glacial Melt And Ocean Warming Drive Sea Level Upward

The average sea level around the world has risen a total of 222 millimeters (mm) since 1875, which means an annual rate of 1.7 mm. Yet at the end of this long period, from 1993 to 2009, the sea level rose 3.0 mm per year—a much faster rate.

Renewable Energy Surpasses Fossil Fuels Second Year In A Row

Renewable energy topped fossil fuels and nuclear for the second year in a row in the USA and Europe in 2009, according to the Global Wind Energy Association (GWEC).

Renewable energy accounted for 60% of new capacity installed in Europe and over 50% of new capacity in the USA in 2009.

Multiple Heat Waves Cap Planet’s Warming Trend

This time, the heat is really on. From Boston to Washington, D.C., temperatures have soared to 100 degrees or more in recent days, stressing electrical grids, scrambling rail transportation and prompting the swift creation of cooling centers for those who lack air conditioning.

Mobile Phone And Internet Use Grows Robustly

Mobile Phone and Internet Use Grows Robustly The use of mobile telephones and the Internet continues to grow worldwide, and the two technologies are increasingly becoming integrated through advances like Internet-ready “smart” phones.

Solar-Power Plane Stays Aloft For 26 Hours

BERN, Switzerland, July 8 (UPI) -- A solar-powered plane completed its test flight, staying aloft for 26 hours and 9 minutes before landing near in Bern, Switzerland, its pilot said Thursday.
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