Food crisis caused by biofuels?

There are conflicting opinions over a World Bank report which suggests biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75%.

The original study in 2008 depicted a direct correlation between the spike in prices of food products and the increased global use of biofuels.

Flushing Energy?

In the United States water and wastewater treatment plants are net users of energy.

In China, Pollution Worsens Despite New Efforts

Peter Parks/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A coal-fired power plant in Linfen last December. A new report blamed coal-burning plants for continued deterioration of the air in Chinese cities.

Renewable Energy Surpasses Fossil Fuels Second Year In A Row

Renewable energy topped fossil fuels and nuclear for the second year in a row in the USA and Europe in 2009, according to the Global Wind Energy Association (GWEC).

Renewable energy accounted for 60% of new capacity installed in Europe and over 50% of new capacity in the USA in 2009.

Mobile Phone And Internet Use Grows Robustly

Mobile Phone and Internet Use Grows Robustly The use of mobile telephones and the Internet continues to grow worldwide, and the two technologies are increasingly becoming integrated through advances like Internet-ready “smart” phones.

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