Climate Change Speeds Up Since 1997 Kyoto Accord

As the world has talked for a dozen years about what to do next, new ship passages opened through the Arctic's once-frozen summer sea ice. In Greenland and Antarctica, ice sheets have lost trillions of tons.

UN Chief: Hunger Kills 17,000 Kids Daily



Rome, Italy (CNN) -- Somewhere in the world, a child dies of hunger every five seconds -- even though the planet has more than enough food for all.

European Water Mission Lifts Off

A European satellite is set to provide major new insights into how water is cycled around the Earth. The Smos spacecraft will make the first global maps of the amount of moisture held in soils and of the quantity of salts dissolved in the oceans.


Earth’s atmosphere isn’t the only victim of burning fossil fuels. About a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions are absorbed by the earth’s oceans, where they’re having an impact that’s just starting to be understood.

Fossil Fuel Production Up Despite Recession

World production of fossil fuels-oil, coal, and natural gas-increased 2.9 percent in 2008 to reach 27.4 million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) per day.1 (See Figure 1.) In the first half of the year, producers strained to meet global demand, but when the recession took hold later in the year the m

Climate Roulette

They say that everyone who finally gets it about climate change has an "Oh, shit" moment--an instant when the full scientific implications become clear and they suddenly realize what a horrifically dangerous situation humanity has created for itself.

Food Production "Must Rise 70%"

Food production will have to increase by 70% over the next 40 years to feed the world's growing population, the United Nations food agency predicts. The Food and Agricultural Organisation says if more land is not used for food production now, 370 million people could be facing fa

World 'Will Miss Biodiversity Loss Targets'

World Will Miss 2010 Target To Stem Biodiversity Loss, Experts Say; As losses accelerate, missed target is "certain;" Growing water needs, mismanagement leading to "catastrophic decline" in freshwater biodiversity; Biodiversity science evolving from sounding alarms to finding solutions; N

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