Food Prices Continue to Rise, Worsening the Food Crisis

The U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization reported in early March that food prices reached another record high, as the price of basic food staples continued to soar.  The Index indicated that wheat and coffee prices have doubled in the past 12 months, while cocoa jumped 25 percent in just two

World On The Edge: Quick Facts

January 25, 2011

We are facing issues of near-overwhelming complexity and unprecedented urgency. Can we think systemically and fashion policies accordingly? Can we change direction before we go over the edge? Here are a few of the many facts from the book to consider:

Food crisis caused by biofuels?

There are conflicting opinions over a World Bank report which suggests biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75%.

The original study in 2008 depicted a direct correlation between the spike in prices of food products and the increased global use of biofuels.

Rust In The Bread Basket

A crop-killing fungus is spreading out of Africa towards the world’s great wheat-growing areas

Jul 1st 2010

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