Renewable Energies provide great potential for socio-economic development in Africa

Submitted by Shristi on Tue, 07/25/2017 - 13:59

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Africa is facing an energy crisis: the existing production capacity cannot meet the growing demand for electricity. The electricity needed to power and grow the economy, drive local development and tackle urban and rural poverty is simply not there.

Obesity worldwide: the map of the world's weight


the Guardian

Ami Sedghi

Obesity is in the news again - but how does the UK compare to the rest of the world? The World Health Organisation (WHO) database contains global comparisons of overweight and obesity prevalence broken down over time.

UN: Fewer hungry people in the world


Detroit News

Rome - The number of hungry people around the world has dropped to 795 million from over a billion a quarter-century ago despite natural disasters, ongoing conflicts and poverty, the three U.N. food agencies said Wednesday.

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