Bioenergy "incompatible" with sustainable food production - study | Climate Home - climate change news
Megan Darby
US scientists urge governments to scrap bioenergy subsidies, citing climate impact and clash with food crops
Megan Darby
US scientists urge governments to scrap bioenergy subsidies, citing climate impact and clash with food crops
Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.
Keri Helmer, Project Assistant, Renewables
Center for Sustainable Energy
Keri Helmer, Project Assistant, Renewables, Center for Sustainable Energy
The Economics of Rooftop Solar: Your Roof Is An Asset
Stellar Solar, Michael Powers
Your Rooftop As An Asset: Reducing Costs While Adding Value In the Future
Saudi Arabia is ready for a world without oil. - Stewart Taggart
China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) first investment should be — without a doubt — the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAEG) and Trans-ASEAN Electricity Grid (TAEG).
Geodesign Team
There are several different directions that our planet can take to address the ever growing need for water and energy. This will involve integrating technologies of a large and small scale into our grid and into our homes as well. There are two main technologies in which to address large scale water sustainability: desalination and ‘pure water’ recycling. As the California dries out, it is increasingly important to adopt proven strategies to maintain the current standard of living.
Melissa C. Lott
As any analyst will tell you, the power is in the data. To know where we are going, we first must know where we are. But, setting global energy baselines is anything but easy.