Global Partnership for Development

Submitted by brittanyyu on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 12:01

This helps raise awareness and further develop an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system This could bring together mutual migration laws which is needed because issues like 'human trafficking feeds on poverty and creates greater restrictions to legal immigration.' Better border control like a well-paced migration from poorer to richer countries; example: Germany: special visa for IT workers.

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Acheive Primary Education for All

Submitted by brittanyyu on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:53

These millennium goals help raise awareness, A way to convince the population to stay in rural areas for more opportunities to create more job opportunities

to find the best out of their main asset, their labour. Enhancing the level of education in poorer countries will provide a better chance to improve country’s economy

in order for their labour market to depend on itself.

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Eradicate Extreme Poverty

Submitted by brittanyyu on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:46

These issues are quite Interconnected: once employment is available in the poorer countries, those who cannot/does not leave the country may still have a chance to work: this is the “right kind of growth” in order to reduce poverty in developing countries, hence reduce migration patterns.

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Education index 2010

Submitted by brittanyyu on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:29

The lowest median age is in Uganda at 15.5 yrs and the lowest level of education is Ethiopia at 2.5 years with a considerable size of working population. “Young developing” are mostly African and some middle eastern countries. “Young middle income” are mostly south American, the more advanced African countries, south Asian countries. "Young advanced income” are for the developed countries. The highest median working age is in Japan at 45 yrs and the highest level of education is in Japan at 13.5 yrs.

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world map of social networks

Submitted by julie dequaindry on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:29

Internet bring new means of communication such as social networks or email. those who do not access it are sidelined and not taking advantage of these benefits to open to the world. 82% of the world's online population of 1.2 billion users now use social networks.

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consequences of digital divide

Submitted by julie dequaindry on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:25

The Internet is rapidly becoming a primary medium for communications, commerce, entertainment and finding jobs. Future economic, community participation and political advancement for these disadvantaged groups may depend on access to computers, the Internet and broadband technology. Information on government services, health and education are also increasingly going online.

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Economic impact of the internet

Submitted by julie dequaindry on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:22

ICT has beneficial effects on economic development, nowadays ICT becomes increasingly strong determinant of growth, including the use of the Internet. If breaking digital persists, the development gap between the North and the South may get bigger.

 ICT, new keys to the information society, open broad opportunities in the areas of management, commerce, education and governance. So it seems that they can contribute to the development of disadvantaged regions.

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Willingness to work abroad in different regions of the world

Submitted by brittanyyu on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:20

For african and middle eastern countries, people are migrating for better living conditions. North American, South American countries and Russia already have good living standards so they want to stay as opposed to working abroad But through NGOs, people, especially younger people have more incentive to work abroad for a short period of time.

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