Debbie Raune
San Diego Housing Commission
Debbie Ruane is responsible for Acquisitions, Rental Housing Development Loans and Grant Programs, Property Management, Asset Management, Loan Management, and Construction Services. Ruane's division was responsible for launching SDHC's innovative Finance Plan in 2009 and raising $95 million in low-interest Fannie Mae and FHA mortgages by leveraging the equity of its former public housing properties to create additional affordable rental housing in the City of San Diego-810 units as of 2012. Before coming to the San Diego Housing Commission in 2009, Ruane's service included six years at Bank of America's Community Development Banking Group as Senior Vice President, where she provided loans to the for-profit and nonprofit development community to create additional affordable housing in California, and five years with Fairfield Residential, a nationwide developer of multifamily housing, as Vice President of Affordable Housing Development.