Where Has All the Ice Gone?


Emily E. Adams

As the earth warms, glaciers and ice sheets are melting and seas are rising. Over the last century, the global average sea level rose by 17 centimeters (7 inches).

Iceland Looks to Export Power Bubbling From Below


Andrew Higgins

KRAFLA, Iceland — Soon after work began here on a power plant to harness some of the vast reserves of energy stored at the earth’s crust, the ground moved and, along a six-mile-long fissure, began belching red-hot lava.

World seed banks get funds to tackle climate, other threats


Alister Doyle

OSLO, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Scientists have agreed on a $109 million plan to strengthen the world's biggest seed banks of crops such as rice and wheat to help protect and develop new varieties resistant to climate change and other threats.

China and Australia top list of 'carbon bomb' projects


Oliver Milman

China and Australia top a global list of planned oil, gas and coal projects that will act as "carbon bombs" and push the planet towards catastrophic climate change, a Greenpeace report warned on Tuesday.

Pathways for Clean Energy Access

Submitted by ninaoyen1 on Fri, 04/24/2015 - 13:02

<a href="http://archive.cleanenergyministerial.org/News/pathways-for-energy-access-39714.html">http://archive.cleanenergyministerial.org/News/pathways-for-energy-acce…</a>

Around the world, more than 1 billion people lack access to electricity, concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Improving access to clean and affordable energy services for these populations will be a critical driver for poverty reduction as well as improved health and social outcomes.


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Water as vital to national security as defence - UN


Alister Doyle

OSLO, March 22 (Reuters) - Stresses on water supplies aggravated by climate change are likely to cause more conflicts and water should be considered as vital to national security as defence, a United Nations report said on Friday.

Investment continues in major transmission projects


Sean Ottewell

Prysmian Group has inaugurated its new submarine cable plant at Pikkala in Finland. The EUR40m investment will allow the plant to increase production of transmission cables that use high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology to transmit large amounts of energy over long distances.

Europe 'has failed to learn from environmental disasters'


John Vidal

Europe has failed to learn the lessons from many environmental and health disasters like Chernobyl, leaded petrol and DDT insecticides, and is now ignoring warnings about bee deaths, GM food and nanotechnology, according to an 800-page report by the European Environment Agency.

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