Weather disasters seen costly sign of things to come



Molly O'Toole

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is on a pace in 2011 to set a record for the cost of weather-related disasters and the trend is expected to worsen as climate change continues, officials and scientists said on Thursday.

Wally's World



Thirty-five years ago this week, Wallace Broecker predicted decades of dangerous climate change caused by humans. Unfortunately, he was all too prescient.

Small fish said vital to seas; lower catches urged

Reuters // Reuters

OSLO, July 21 (Reuters) - Small fish play a big role in the oceans and catches should be cut sharply to safeguard marine food chains from plankton to blue whales, an international team of experts said on Thursday.

Global poverty rate falling, says UN

Mark Tran

Annual progress report on the millennium development goals shows the world is on track to end extreme poverty, but hunger target is proving more difficult to achieve

Report: Shipping emissions to rise in Arctic

Juliet Eilperin

Climate change in the Arctic is not likely to spark an immediate boom in oil and gas exploration, according to a new study published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

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