Wars Less Deadly Than They Used To Be

* Mortality rates decline even in wartime, report says * 5.4 million Congo death rate figure "far too high" By Patrick Worsnip UNITED NATIONS, (Reuters) - Wars are less deadly than they once were and national mortality rates have continued to decline even during conflicts due to smaller scale fig

REN21 Launched Its Renewables Interactive Map

The Renewable Energy Policy Network REN21 launched its Renewables Interactive Map  (beta-version) The Map contains a wealth of information on renewable energy, including support policies, expansion targets, current shares, installed capacity, current production,

Energy Data Available Anywhere, Any Time

Gary Schmitz, NREL

Having rapidly established itself as a "go to" site for transportation and other related energy information, the Virtual Information Bridge to Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (VIBE) is expanding its reach to attract new users across the widest range of energy issues.

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