Declining value of the U.S dollar (USD)
The US dollar has lost 95% of its value in relation to gold, this is a result of the $15 trillion US debt.
The US dollar has lost 95% of its value in relation to gold, this is a result of the $15 trillion US debt.
Defense against default for European Union
This projection shows that if current budget policies are continued, deficits will reach about 20% of the GDP by 2050 and the US national debt will climb to 231% of GDP by that year.
Chenaf Olivier
Logo of World Trade Organisation and explanations.
Chenaf Olivier
Logo of the Organisation for the economic cooperation and development and the way of work of this association.
OECD try to improve the world economy and the social well-being.
Chenaf Olivier
Logo of the ONG;Tax Network Justice with the work of this association
Chenaf Olivier
Evolution and Analyze of the french public debt
This graph describe the youth unemployment across Europe, in Euro-zone and in three european countries Spain Greece and Portugal
European Union map with the debt in % of GDP
This picture is a comparison and a projection between E7 (7 emerging economies) and G7