Flooding Risk From Climate Change, Country by Country
The New York Times
Gregor Aisch, David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy
More than a quarter of Vietnam's residents live in areas likely to be subject to regular floods by the end of the century.
The New York Times
Gregor Aisch, David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy
More than a quarter of Vietnam's residents live in areas likely to be subject to regular floods by the end of the century.
The Aqueduct Global Flood Analyzer is a web-based interactive platform which measures river flood impacts by urban damage, affected GDP, and affected population at the country, state, and river basin scale.
Global Energy Network International
Summer Series: Geodesign 2015
- Thursday July 23 - "Maps tell the story of San Diego and Northern Baja. We are Connected"
Geodesign* - Engineering the Transition to
Renewable Energy and Clean Water for All
Global Energy Network International
Summer Series: Geodesign 2015
- Thursday July 23 - "Maps tell the story of San Diego and Northern Baja. We are Connected"
Geodesign* - Engineering the Transition to
Renewable Energy and Clean Water for All
Justin Gillis
BREDASDORP, South Africa — A scruffy crew of scientists barreled down a dirt road, their two-car caravan kicking up dust. After searching all day for ancient beaches miles inland from the modern shoreline, they were about to give up.
Bruce Stutz
By the middle of the century, the scores of billions it cost to compensate the greater New York City area for being unprepared for superstorm Sandy may seem like a bargain.
There's nowhere to hide now that Global Forest Watch has launched - citizens around the world now have all the information they need to monitor the state of the world's forests.
bill mckibben
This summer has seen record heat waves and wildfires in the U.S, the worst flooding in Beijing’s modern history, and droughts that devastated the U.S. corn crop and led India to set up “refugee camps” for livestock.
Mark Kinver
August 15, 2012
Emerging economies in Asia, including India and the Philippines, face the greatest financial risk from natural disasters, an analysis suggests.
The size of countries displayed is in proportion with the number of people killed by floods between 1975 and 2005 (Venezuela biggest)