Issues & Trends
Global Trends: Armed Conflicts Decline Global Conflict Trends |
Following ‘Snowmageddon’ & Record Summer Heat, New Report Says Global Warming to Bring More Extreme Weather Washington, DC—In a year where record summer heat followed the winter of ‘Snowmageddon,’ Environment America released a new report Wednesday documenting how global warming could lead to extreme weather events becoming even more common in the future. |
Food crisis caused by biofuels?There are conflicting opinions over a World Bank report which suggests biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75%.The original study in 2008 depicted a direct correlation between the spike in prices of food products and the increased global use of biofuels. |
New global poverty estimates confirm China’s leading role in meeting MDGs Submitted by David Dollar on Tue, 2008-08-26 10:08 |
A Global Shift to Renewable Energy Earth Policy Release |
Massive North Atlantic Garbage Patch Mapped | |
Flushing Energy? In the United States water and wastewater treatment plants are net users of energy. |
MegacitiesForeignPolicy's guide to the coming urban age.BY RICHARD DOBBS | |
Earth Overdraft: On Saturday, We Exceed Nature's Budget It has taken humanity less than nine months to exhaust its ecological budget for the year, according to data from Global Footprint Network, a California-based environmental research organization. |
UN Fights To Save The Planet From Ever-Expanding Deserts
Fortaleza, Brazil (AFP) Aug 16, 2010 The United Nations Monday launched a campaign to save the planet from deserts that are threatening a third of the planet along with the livelihoods of more than a billion people. |