MDG designer fears UN goals will ‘degenerate into wish list’

Arthur Neslen Sep 18 2013

 An architect of the UN’s Millennium development Goals (MDGs) says he fears that a lack of strong leadership at the UN could lead to its poverty eradication goals being replaced by an over-politicised and unachievable “wish list” after 2015.

Planning and Financing Low-Carbon, Livable Cities

The World Bank News

What do Kampala and Rio de Janeiro have in common? At first sight, the capital of landlocked Uganda and the megacity on the Brazilian coast may appear very different, but they share more than meets the eye. 

IPCC "conservative" on sea level rise


JOHANNESBURG, 8 October 2013 (IRIN) - The international scientific community’s new assessment of the estimated sea level rise caused by global warming is a significant development, but experts say the projections for higher sea levels in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate (IPCC) assessm

Shift to a new climate likely by mid-century - study


OSLO, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Billions of people could be living in regions where temperatures are hotter than their historical ranges by mid-century, creating a "new normal" that could force profound changes on nature and society, scientists said on Wednesday.

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