World Can Achieve Climate Goals, With All 10 Billion People Prospering
Rona Fried
Rona Fried
GreenBiz Group Inc.
Christopher Neale
Big Data is transforming agriculture, and just in time. The demand for food is expected to double by 2050 as the world's population heads toward 9 billion people and increasing incomes allow many more to afford a better diet.
Michael Renner
Global meat production rose to an estimated 308.5 million tons in 2013, an increase of 1.4 percent over 2012.1 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) forecasts additional growth of 1.1 percent in 2014 to 311.8 million tons.2 Production is thus reaching new peaks, despite droug
UNITED NATIONS — The global economic losses from natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones and have continued rising to reach an average of $250 billion to $300 billion annually, according to a U.N. report released Wednesday.
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Chelsea Harvey
A solar-powered water harvesting device, constructed with a metal organic framework. Unlike other types of water capture devices, this design is able to work under low-humidity conditions. (Hyunho Kim, Evelyn Wang) - by Brian Kahn
Alex Tardy
National Weather Serivce
Alex Tardy, is the warning coordination meteorologist at the National Weather Service in San Diego. Alex has worked at several locations across the country including Vermont, Virginia, Texas, and Utah in a variety of positions including senior weather forecasting duties and science operations officer. Alex is in charge of working with a variety of public and private partners to ensure that weather and hazard information and education is received in the most efficient ways to save lives and property.
Jenny Lei Ravelo
If you were tasked to determine the logistics around delivering medical aid in a remote mountainous area with no reliable map that can be used as point of reference, what would you do?
Geodesign team
As the demand for freshwater and energy increases in San Diego County and Northern Baja, the fresh water supply continues to shrink while energy generation remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Due to these opposing trends in supply and demand, it becomes increasingly imperative to identify solutions that move these communities to their preferred state in which they are largely reliant on renewable energy and use water sustainably. Large-scale energy solutions include wind power, one of the must abundant sources of energy in these regions.
Alister Doyle
The Arctic ecosystem, already under pressure from record ice melts, faces another potential threat in the form of rapid acidification of the ocean, according to an international study published on Monday.