Diplomatic Courier Recognizes Manjula Dissanayake on “99 Under 33”


Kathryn Floyd

WASHINGTON, DC:  The Diplomatic Courier and Young Professionals in Foreign Policyare pleased to announce that Manjula Dissanayake, Fellow, Ignite Good, has been recognized on the 2013 “99 Under 33,” an international list noting the most influential forei

World Happiness Report 2013


John Helliwell, richard layard and Jeffrey sachs

Table of ConTenTs 1. Introduction2. World Happiness: Trends, explanations and Distribution 3. Mental Illness and Unhappiness 4. The objective benefits of subjective Well-being 5. Restoring Virtue ethics in the Quest for Happiness 6. Using Well-being as a Guide to Policy7.

Half the world may live under "water stress" by 2030: Ban Ki-moon



United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on Tuesday warned that by 2030, half the people on Earth would be living under "water stress," a measure defined as less than 1,700 cubic meters of water available per person per year, unless action was taken.

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